
【JP.Cosplay】Cinaese youngster sang a traditional Taiwanese ageless song

 「望春風」 龚玥 (Gong Yue)  1080HD 原曲・台語台湾曲(純純 1933)
Language - Minnan (ミン南語 )
Cosplays - Ayka Matsunaga  (Suigintoh in Rozen Maiden) 


【JP.Cosplay】 Ethnic Snog of China (Yugu People), "裕固族姑娘人人爱" Ayaka Matsunaga 松永亜矢香

Model - Ayaka Matsunaga 松永亜矢香 ( Japanese famous Cosplayer )
Music - Minority group of China,Yugu People's folk song " Yugur girls are loved by everyone " ユグール族民歌 「裕固族姑娘人人爱 / みんなが好きな裕固の娘」 720HD
Language - Yughur (裕固語)

※ I decided to upload more of my original works for Ayaka Matsunaga's photos and movies on YouTube once a month from Feb.2014.